Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy

version 1.0

Publication Date: 1st of April 2024

1. General Terms

This document represents the Personal Data Protection Policy of Cherrys Fitness LLC (the "Policy"). We, Cherrys Fitness LLC, are a limited liability company, registered in accordance with the legislation of Georgia, with identification number 404619025 ("Cherrys Fitness " or "we") This Policy is published on our web site and mobile application „Cherrys fit” (the "Platform“) and is an integral part of the Service Terms and Conditions published on the mentioned Platform. Through the Platform, we offer you the services for which you need to register on the Platform and enter your personal data in the respective fields. We attach great importance to the protection of personal data. We collect and process personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation. This document presents our personal data protection policy and, please, read it carefully.

2. Data Collection

Cherry's Fitness collects, processes and stores the personal data you provide us through the Platform in accordance with the applicable personal data protection legislation of Georgia

3. Purpose of Personal Data Processing

If you provided Cherry's Fitness with your personal data through our registration form in order to receive our Services, you hereby grant us an express consent to store and use the said data in the future to identify you as an user, to contact you, to process your inquiries and to carry out direct marketing.

4. Forms of Processing

We collect, store and process your personal data by automated means, in particular by using information technology, more specifically, we may carry out one or all of the following actions:

- collect and store personal data;

-organize and group personal data into specific categories.

5. Data Security

Cherry's Fitness uses technological and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from accidental or intentional loss or destruction or access by unauthorized persons. We constantly update our security measures in line with technological developments. Cherry's Fitness only uses authorized people who provide sufficient assurance to take appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a way that the processing complies with the applicable personal data protection requirements and ensures the protection of the data subject's rights. Authorized people process personal data only in accordance with the documented guidelines of Cherry's Fitness.

6. Term of Data Storage

We process and store personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, or for the period and to the extent required by law for us to process and/or store such data. If the purpose of the processing no longer exists and the statutory data retention period has expired, we will routinely delete the data or limit the data processing in accordance with the applicable mandatory laws.

7. Use of Cookie Files

Our Platform uses the so-called cookies to enable personalized functionality and to analyze your use of our Platform. A cookie is a small file that stores certain information about the device (personal computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) used by the user for the access to be saved in the same device. When such a device connects to our Platform, the server receives the corresponding cookie file. The server has the ability to process the information stored in the cookie file in different ways. Through the cookie file, it is possible to remember your choices to automatically log you into your control panel and thus make the service more convenient for the user. You can activate or deactivate cookies from your browser settings. However, if you deactivate cookies, you may no longer be able to use all the features of our Platform

8. Contact Information

You can send any letter or request regarding the processing of your personal data to the following e-mail [email protected], to which we will respond as quickly as possible, within the time limits established by the legislation of Georgia.

9. Direct Marketing

For the purpose of direct marketing of our services, packages and offers, we will periodically send you messages to the contact mobile number and e-mail address you provided us in the registration form, or to your personal dashboard created on the Platform. By electronically agreeing to the Service Terms and Conditions and this Policy, you give us your written consent to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. You can withdraw your consent on the processing of your data for direct marketing at any time by sending us a request on e-mail indicated in clause 8. We will, within 7 business days, comply with your request and stop direct marketing to you. Reviewing and processing your request is free of charge and unrestricted.