
Cherrys fitness Application The best workouts for you

Thank you to the more than 21,000 people who have already tried Cherry's Marathon, Nutrition, Gym, Rehab, and other distance programs.

Here you will definitely find a program adapted to your life rhythm and interests, most importantly, test the power of the best changes.

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& Results®

I am Cheri (Nino Cherkezishvili), a qualified personal fitness trainer in Great Britain, a nutritionist, the creator of the author's training program "Cherry Marathon" and the author of the business diary "With Cheri". I am proud that through my remote training program, I have helped thousands of girls discover and fall in love with their bodies. I believe that exercise is the hygiene of the body, and for this reason I work tirelessly to raise the awareness of a healthy life and to make people fall in love with physical activity.

Together with my team, I created a platform through which we offer people multi-faceted remote training, rehabilitation and nutrition programs with the country's leading instructors. Our mission is to make training with smartly organized and effective programs available to everyone, starting from Tbilisi and ending with a small village.

Don't delay, join us and you will be surprised by your possibilities. We know what we are talking about! Our words are backed up month after month by the feedback of the trainers with Cheri.

Cherry Distance Marathon

The most accessible way of physical and mental health

A remote training program that completely changes the way you think about your body and healthy lifestyle. By participating in Cheri's marathon, you will be able to see the potential of your body, which will definitely make you more confident, make you fall in love with your body, and give you more energy. This program is universal, carefully selected and assembled so that you can see and feel the result, and most importantly, enjoy the process very much.

Exercise and rehabilitation programs

The most diverse selection of exercise programs

Weight correction, increase in muscle mass, work on endurance, balance, elasticity, rehabilitation. Here you can choose a program according to your goals and taste - what kind of physical activity you will be doing.


Diet planning according to individual indicators and goals

Smart program where you can see the ingredients and their quantity; You will easily plan your shopping and prepare so that you can get healthy food tailored to your goals without math skills or calorie tables.



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